Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valley Forge Kennel Club Match

Sunebank and Caerleon had a good day today at the sanctioned "B" match put on by VFKC. There were at least 15 Sheltie puppies there.

15 week old Amy, one of our Birdie puppies sired by Ch. Magic Winds Jahbril, was second in her class. She acted silly but had a good experience in her first show.

Lana (Sunebank the New Girl in Town) (Natalie x Boy-boy) at 6 months, was awarded BOB puppy and a Herding Group II.

Tansy, our Dezz daughter (by Ch. Shamont Back to Basics) is looking more like her mommy every day and is starting to get more comfortable in the ring, today doing well enough for a GI at the match! We are very proud of all of these little girls.

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